29 March 2008

A La Recherce de la Coquette Perdu

O Muse!
Sing your siren back into my life
I am full from my empty plate
And no amount of vice can cull this hunger
This sagging belt hanging from my midline
Engorged, ensconced
With nothing to feed on but sight
And words
and maybes

On this First Quarter night
May all change
And begin anew
May your waxing face paint out the comings-to-be
Vibrant and murky
Til gibbously bulging out, cresting and mounding
Bounding, devouring
Then bright and sharp and Full.

My head is thought out
My body is your tool
Mon coeur est presque vu

...what better time than now?

Om Namaha Shivaya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevie I love the new picture! It's hilarious!