21 April 2008

Open Mic Night

Mark your calendars...

Always On Stage Productions presents...

An Evening of Art & Storytelling
Open Mic Night

Thursday, May 1
Willow & Waukegan Starbucks
In Shopping Center near Whole Foods/Best Buy
in Northbrook, IL


Jennifer said...

I'll be there hahaha

Anonymous said...

I will be seeing RENT for the 193874238th time.


PS..Word verification is hard when you're stoned and drunk.

Elizabeth said...

If I'm not already working I'll wander by. Sometime.

Always On Stage said...

Erm... FYI

Venue Change.

Bigger. More parking.
Still Starbucks.

Fliers to come.
(i hope)

Anonymous said...

AlwaysOnStage, will you be there?

Always On Stage said...

I'd better be, mensch. I'm the MC.

Anonymous said...

I thought that might be the case! Will you buy me a cup of coffee? You know, I'm a poor man. :)

Always On Stage said...

Hah. Fat chance.

Stand in line and get your chai like everyone else.


Elizabeth said...

Right, then. Since I am apparently determined to show you the bendy white boy of Project Jenny, Project Jan, here you go.


Dance, white boy, dance!

Anonymous said...

Good luck and have fun.

Always On Stage said...

Holy crap.

I'm so nervous.

Like cold feet on my wedding day.
Does that make any sense?