09 July 2008


If I glance over to look at you
Furrowed brow
Sheepish grin
Muttering something about how I tend to overanalyze things
Please realize
The brow will never be resurfaced
The grin is anchored by dimples
This mutter cannot be more understated

Last year: Rollercoaster of a lifetime
Always edging forward
Speaking the future
Meeting opportunity
No wrong moves
This year carried hope that
Lightning strikes twice
Does it ever?
Everything's trapped in sap
Either suctioning sideways
Or ever sloping southward
All attempts are equal
Every result the same:
Wait and/or Fail
Wait and/or Fail
I swear
Nothing here is wrong
Fairly sure of it
Intentions held ever true
Methods still improving
But they are my own
And I feel every fault
Imperfect but so it goes
Chuang Tzu spoke of this
Madman singing at the door
"When the world makes sense
The wise have work to do
They can only hide
When the world's askew."

Conventional wisdom dictates
Flipped on its head
The root remains and the weed
Gains a new genus
Dandelion becomes flower, another rose
By any other name

"Surrender" : Process :: "Submission" : Destination

If progress is halted
Then let me stand still
Denied the greener grass
Though now grows not brown
My goal is out of grasp
So heaven becomes here
It is time
To live the luxury of the meek
To play prey instead of predator
To yell out Hello World
Alone + Easy Target
Free Hot Lunch
Guy Fawkes for Hire

The universe is giving a bye
A year-long Labor Day Weekend
Seven deconstructs
into Three and Four:
Own the mirror's warts
And bask in everyone's beauty
This equals enlightenment???

Milkweed seeds ending up in window boxes
Thistle redeposited from backwoods to downtown
Cross-pollination aided by migratory swallows
Life finds a way
It must:
Form follows function


So this is why
My life is crap
People see me as a threat
I am exactly where I'm supposed to be
And my furrowed brow
sheepishly grins

"Every man knows how useful it is to be useful
No one seems to know
How useful it is to be useless."

Quotations from:
"Confucius and the Madman", The Way of Chuang Tzu, translated by Thomas Merton, c. 1965 Abbey of Gethsemani
Now playing: XTC - The Mayor of Simpleton
via FoxyTunes

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