27 December 2008

New Moon

Today is the last New Moon of 2008.
The last New Moon of the last seven years.
The last chance to start a lunar cycle before the New Year.

And this timely stretch of warm weather makes opportunities seem infinite.

So, a wish...

May the mistakes of the past propel the success of the future.

And, a few predictions...

Within this coming year:
- I will start a new career path that I will stick with for awhile
- I will have at least one piece of mine featured in a professional publication
- I will move into a spacious new dwelling but stay within Evanston
- I will be in the company of friends I haven't known in forever
- I will be with a woman who makes me happy

Finally, a request...

May 2009 find you hungrily fighting for that which you truly want, a crusade for your heart's desire.

Om Namaha Shivaya
Om Mani Padme Hung

Salutations to that which you are capable of being.
The jewel is in the lotus

Thank you for still reading
We will see each other soon

Now playing: Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction

04 December 2008

What Do You Want?

Been wanting to ask this all year.

I do my thing, you sit quietly and lurk. Rarely do you say anything, unless provoked. Sometimes I am very deliberate, sometimes not. Either way, you stay silent. But you keep coming back.

So what is it?
What works?
What doesn't?
Is it spellbinding?
Or a train wreck?
Am I an attention whore?
Or do I make sense?
What would you like from me?
What can I do for you?

I like to think doing this is the best way I can express myself, and
I'd appreciate getting to know you better.

I will tell you what I want:

I want someone to champion me.