03 October 2009

No New Tale To Tell

If anyone believes that life doesn't move in circles, I gladly buy you a drink and prove you wrong.

In the midst of this struggling economy I've been able to score a new career. Actually, an old career with a new face. I've been accepted for a position as a Psychiatric Case Worker at a long-term care facility in Evanston, mere blocks from where I live. It's a step up from any Psych position I've had before, in that I'll be directly in charge of the treatment plans of 30 residents, leading groups in therapy, holding office hours. It's a nice combo of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Mental Health and Deafness, all in one position. Plus, the pay is equitable to my old positions, with opportunities for job advancement and/or grad school.

I kinda sorta feel, at this point, that my life's been given back to me. That one point in October 2000, 9 years ago, when everything fell apart and unraveled into bedlam, has now had its foundations restored. Like then, I was living in the basement of retired people on the outskirts of a Big 10 college town, immersed in my Psych career and wishing of being a writer. Instead of a tenuous relationship with an estranged artistic girlfriend, I maintain a tentative schedule with an obscure art museum; I find I love them equally dearly. But now I am older, wiser, armed with journeyman experience. Things returned to center, but they can only get better from here.

If anyone believes that life isn't circular, I will gladly buy you a drink and prove you wrong.

Now playing: Indigo Girls - Least Complicated

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