08 March 2008


So many things hath cross'd my mind since we
Pass'd by each other like two stars in space
The summer sun hung brightly o'er the sea;
Such beauty pales whene'er I see your face
Forbidden love is all our future holds
Like owning mirrors solely meant to break
Our life's rich tale lost within the folds
My heart has no more corners left to ache
Our fam'lies cannot understand the truth
'Tis this; that you and I were meant to be
Your claim to Montague's clan I seek proof
Alas, forever Capulet, 'tis me
Yet in thine eyes I see the spark so true
Empires rise and die before we do.

(Inspired by Romeo & Juliet and a Texas homework assignment)


Elizabeth said...

Wow, who feels like a creeper? Elizabeth does!

Um. Yeah. Today was so incredibly horrible that I found myself glued to the computer to try to forget it. Got to thinking about things. Remembered you mentioned you had a blog. Decided to look it up (and found it! Wooo! I got skillz) and found you are an excellent writer. I am very impressed, Kevin. I mean, I knew you wrote well (even from this little poem that you showed me at work), but still...

Yeah. Not sure why I'm even leaving a comment, other than the whole "extremely bored, wanting to bash head in" thing.

How're you? Because I totally didn't see you just, like, eleven hours ago or something. No. Never.

Always On Stage said...

want to hide
avoid inevitable


Elizabeth said...

There will be no hiding.
Nothing is inevitable.
Sometimes you have to break a little bit to keep your sanity.

You're doing a great job at the store, Kevin. Really. I think the way Michael is treating you has something to do with you wanting to be an ASM. He said to me, "I'm going to be giving Kevin and Anne a harder time as Shift then I'll give you. Especially Kevin, since he wants to be ASM." Maybe that's why he's being so...cranky-pants?

Of course I don't know if there's shit going down outside of work, alas, but I can at least let you know that you're doing more than amazing with your job. Take a deep breath. Everything will work out, one way or another.

It has to.

Always On Stage said...

myriad of reasons
one course of action
you don't believe in evitable?

the neck of the hourglass can only pass one grain of sand at a time.

tumbling scattershot to the floor
lost in a sea of everything

positively faux-Nietzchian

I need to do something else now.

Elizabeth said...

Forgive me, my mood is rather tumultuous today so I'm thinking it's best if I don't try to decode your last comment.

Not enough energy.

One question, if I may.

When you say "do something else", do you mean right now, this moment, or is that a more general statement?