04 December 2008

What Do You Want?

Been wanting to ask this all year.

I do my thing, you sit quietly and lurk. Rarely do you say anything, unless provoked. Sometimes I am very deliberate, sometimes not. Either way, you stay silent. But you keep coming back.

So what is it?
What works?
What doesn't?
Is it spellbinding?
Or a train wreck?
Am I an attention whore?
Or do I make sense?
What would you like from me?
What can I do for you?

I like to think doing this is the best way I can express myself, and
I'd appreciate getting to know you better.

I will tell you what I want:

I want someone to champion me.


Anonymous said...

it's not a trainwreck and you're only an attention whore some of the time. sometimes i like to think that you're writing about me, but i know that you're not. it's hard to compete with The Girl.

everyone wants to find someone to champion them. we rarely find this and when we do, we even more rarely recognize this quality in time to hang on to it.

i think i read into things entirely too much. i wasn't going to write anything but since we haven't spoken in over six months, it's not like i had much to lose.

i want someone. sometimes i want that someone to be you.

Always On Stage said...

It is hard to compete with The Girl. Still is.

One of my sins this year was that I let so many friendships and relationships simply waver away with relative apathy. Some of them, though, I deliberately squashed flat out of my life. And I have come to regret that.

I don't know if I am ready for anyone. I haven't been since forever, and I'm so not in a place to fully accept anyone properly. Usually this doesn't matter, but it's become too easy a thing to hide behind.

I thank you for speaking your mind even if I have disappointed you once again.