12 June 2010

New June Moon

I have lost sight of who I am.

This past New Year I wished to have a brand new everything.
Wasn't specific, just new everything.
And I think I may have gotten just that.

My career, it echoes the old but reeks of new
New duties, new stress, new headaches
My second job, it's recycled, now a different beast
Less responsibilites, more hustle
My car, once my King and best investment, has become a zombie
Prone to dying anywhere, controlled by its own whim
My bombshelter, once novelty, has become a relic
Static, stoic, dependable but staid
My friends, so exciting years ago, are now de rigueur
Dependable but monotone, a place to get lost
My artistic life, like my spiritual life, is all but gone
No shows, no walks, no spark, no go

My current girlfriend, whom I adore, touches me like only few can
Three or four before have done it
And she follows suit
Even up to the gritty end
But is it the end?
She says its not
But then, why am I stuck in reruns?

New Years is one of my favorite holidays, and I wanted every day this year to be a Happy New Year.
So let's start all over again.
With this New Moon, the last New Moon of the first half of the year, may familiarity and control re-enter my life
May I use the lessons of the past to navigate the future
May I accept the opportunities that life flings at me
May I once again realize that all things happen for a reason
May I live up to the birthright I fought so hard to earn
And may I learn to count my blessings before my failures
I deserve the best. I work too damn hard to accept otherwise. And it's time to collect.

If you do spend some time sending good vibes to others, please send a thought or two my way. I could use it.
I promise to spend more time thinking of you.
And I swear, things get better from here.
They have to.

Happy New Moon, everyone.

Now playing: Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness

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