01 January 2008

Year Purple

Surrender is the watchword for 2008.

I am not in control.

I take what is given to me.

Everything has been preset.

I deserve every bit of it.

I am a leaf on the wind.


Anonymous said...

Every time I get a caramel macchiato at Central and Crawford I think, "It's been a while since I've written to Kevin."

Last week my mp3 shuffler played "The Nurse Who Loved Me" and I thought, "Ya know, I should write and make sure things are okay with Kevin."

Yesterday at lunch I overheard two high school girls talking about the ASL way of life and why a sibling?/boyfriend?/cousin? doesn't have cochlear implants and thought "Damn, I really need to write to Kevin!"

So... I'm writing. I'll have something far more insightful and eloquent put together eventually but for now I leave you with this...

I'm happy for you. You look good in purple. And you desperately need a new headshot.

Always On Stage said...

You moved(![?])

That or you're commuting much further than I thought you had to.

Happy New Year, dear. I'm extremely intrigued by what you have seen in this coming year.

I look very different now. All the blond is gone and I'm two weeks into beard growth. My first ever. Never grown one before. Hairy.

Once I consider taking acting seriously again, I might get a new headshot or two. 'Til then, I'll be forever twentysomething.

Anonymous said...

No move yet, that's happening sometime this spring. Central and Crawford is just closer to the animal hospital and a drivethru, which means I don't have to get out of my car (now an '02 Highlander - you'll recognize it by the bumper magnets) in this frigid weather. I'm just going to grown-up hell in a handbasket with myself... car payment, apartment search... HELP! I'm drowning in a sea of saturn return adultness!

Hairy? Oh, dear. Is it for Children? I remember a foray into goatee-ville over the summer and, while attractive, it just competed way too much with your baby blues for attention.

I can't wait to see the show. I'm bringing my cousin who was getting a degree in deaf education once upon a time, so you better not let your hands do any ad libbing.

I see great things and will be able to provide a list of dates for you soon, but what I see doesn't ultimately matter because YOU have decided this year is going to be amazing. You attract what you send out into the universe and you've come such a complete 180* in terms of energy from this time last year that it's going to be pretty damned difficult for good things not to come your way. Having your saturn return out of the way is a huge factor in that. Saturn is going to start playing with your venus though, so watch out, you may find yourself giving up your ::ahem:: playa ways.

Anonymous said...

The temple may change, but the practice remains as dilligent as ever. Good luck to you in 08.

That and I am a jelly donut. MMMM...donut. (That answer got me a laugh from my Zen teacher. Zen according to Homer Simpson)