06 February 2008

Something Wants To Come Out

I'm restless but not.

This winter is driving me crazy.



Can't say a goddamn thing.

Was given a day off and all i want to do is nothing.

This whole thing is stupid.

Why is it continuing?

I have phone calls to make, i have things to write, i have chores to do, i have yoga to catch, i have friends to catch up with, i have a future to meet, i have women to want, i have a lot of fucking i want to do,


I hate this whole entry.

Why is this perpetuating?

Don't want no more.

I need Spring bad.


Anonymous said...

I guess today's eclipse hit you in a way I hadn't anticipated. Wish I could have given you a head's up. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mister...

I will be able to make the last performance on the last Sunday. 3pm on the 24th of Feb.

How's that for procrastination? It wasn't even on purpose this time!

Can't wait!!!!!

Always On Stage said...

Y'know, I knew about the eclipse. But I don't think it was a trigger as much as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The winter has been driving on and being temperamental, and nesting has just run its course. I guess the New Moon and the Eclipse forced my hand to want to turn over a new leaf in a big, bold way, and all I could muster was this dribbly whiny entry. Disappointing.

Boy, howdy, way to hit that dramatic last minute, Jen. A nail-biter to the very end.

Anonymous said...

Geez Charlie Brown, lighten up a little bit.

I saw the other posts and checked out the pictures about the play. That's really great work you're doing. I'll have to go back and check my old yearbook to look up Gina. I don't remember her at all.

Anyway, I'm done procrastinating myself and I have to make phone calls. Just think in two months I'll be doing a different job.

Always On Stage said...

Gina was grade one grade older than you, jin. Check around mid-alphabet.
Impressed to hear of your new position. Is it set-design based or more true to the dojo? Good luck in your venture. And thank you for reading.

Anonymous said...

There is at least one thing about me that hasn't changed and that is my prcrastination habits. In fact, I list it on my resume as a "skill".


I will see you in a couple weeks mister.
